Supported Build Platforms

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Version Summary Table

Summary of Supported Build Platforms:

Platform Version Release date Expected EOL QEMU support until
Debian 11 (Bullseye) 2021-08-14 ~2024 Up to 2 years after Debian 12 release
10 (Buster) 2019-07-06 ~2022 EOL in 2022
RHEL 9 2022-05-18 2032-05-32 Two years after the next major release
8 2019-05-07 2029-05-31 Two years after RHEL9 release (i.e. May 2024)
7 2014-06-09 2024-06-30 2022-05-07
SLES 15 2018-07-16 2028-07-31 Up to 2 years after next SLES release
12 2014-10-27 2024-10-31 2020-07-16
Ubuntu LTS 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) 2022-04-21 April 2027 Two years after Ubuntu 24.04 release
20.04 (Focal Fosa) 2018-04-26 April 2025 Two years after Ubuntu 22.04 release
Ubuntu Latest version Apr. / Oct. 6 months after release EOL
Fedora Latest 2 versions Apr. / Oct. 1 year after release EOL
openSUSE Tumbleweed n/a n/a n/a
Leap 15.4 2022-06-08 2023-11-30 EOL
Leap 15.3 2021-06-02 2022-12-31 EOL
FreeBSD 13 2021-04-13 ? EOL
12 2018-12-11 2024-06-30 April 2023
NetBSD 9 2020-02-14 ? Two years after the next major release
8 2018-07-17 ? 2022-02-14
OpenBSD 7.2 2022-10-20 Until 7.3 gets released
7.1 2022-04-21 Until 7.2 gets releaed
macOS macOS 13 (Ventura) Oct 2022 ? Two years after the next major release
macOS 12 (Monterey) Oct 2021 ? Oct 2023 ?

Useful links

Repology queries

Command for querying Repology API:

curl -s '' | \
  jq -r 'group_by(.repo) | .[] | "\(.[0].repo): \(map(.version) | sort | unique | join(", "))"' | \
  egrep -i 'fedora|ubuntu|debian|rhel|centos|bsd|suse|sles|homebrew|pkgsrc'











Listing SLES product IDs:

curl -s '' | \
  jq -r '.data[] | select(.identifier | test("SLES/")) | "\(.id) - \(.name) \(.identifier)"'

Listing Python versions in SLES 15.2/x86_64:

curl -s '' | \
  jq -r '.data[] | select(.name | match("^python[0-9]*$")) | "\(.name) \(.version) \(.arch) \(.products[0].identifier)"'