The Nirsh version of Mac OS 10.8 is very easy to install in QEMU. You can find this version here:
The download button is hard to find. It is near the bottom of the page and looks like this:
After you push the button a new tab will appear. Go to the new tab. After a brief countdown the download button will appear here. Click it and another tab will appear. After a short wait the download will begin. It is 4.55 GB in size.
Installation Directions
Create a new hard drive image file like this:
qemu-img create "Mac OS 10.8.5 HD.qcow2" 80G
Run QEMU so it boots off the iso file:
qemu-system-x86_64 -hda "<path to Mac OS 10.8.5 HD.qcow2>" -cdrom "<path to Niresh Mac OS 10.8 installer.iso>" -boot d -netdev user,id=mynet0 -device e1000-82545em,netdev=mynet0 -m 8000 -accel tcg,thread=multi -device VGA -rtc base=localtime -device ich9-usb-uhci6 -device usb-audio -device usb-tablet -M q35 -cpu Nehalem -smp sockets=1,cores=8
Once it starts up I suggest you push the F8 key to print kernel messages. On my MacBook Air I have to do this by push the fn key and the f8 key. Then enter -v at the prompt and push the return key.
A black screen with white text with print out messages until the installer screen appears.
File:Installer screen.png
Select your language then push the right arrow button.
If you have any issues, concerns, suggestions, or anything else you wish to talk about, please contact me.