Contribute/DevelopmentProcess: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 20:04, 9 March 2018

              Developer                                   QEMU Community                           Subsystem Maintainer
     +----------------------------+   +-----------------------------------------------------+   +------------------------+
     |                            |   |                                                     |   |                        |
     |    +-------------------+   |   |  +-----------------------------------------------+  |   |   +----------------+   |
     |    |                   |   |   |  |                                               |  |   |   |                |   |
     |    |  Develop and      |   | +--->|              Code Review on List              |  | +---->| Add Maintainer |   |
     |    |   Test feature    |   | | |  |                                               |  | | |   |    Sign-off    |   |
     |    |                   |   | | |  +------+----------------+----------------+------+  | | |   |                |   |
     |    +--------+----------+   | | |         |                |                |         | | |   +-------+--------+   |
     |             |              | | |         V                V                V         | | |           |            |
     |             V              | | :  +-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+  | | |           v            |
     |    +-------------------+   | | |  |             |  |             |  |             |  | | |   +----------------+   |
     |    |                   |   | | |  |  Review     |  |  Review     |  | Maintainer  |  | | |   |                |   |
     | +->|  Post to List     +-----+ |  |    Comments |  |    Tags     |  |  accepts    |  | | |   |   GIT Branch   |   |
     | |  |                   |   |   |  |             |  |             |  | some or all |  | | |   |    foo/next    |   |
     | |  +-------------------+   |   |  |             |  |             |  |  patches    |  | | |   |                |   |
     | |                          |   |  +------+------+  +------+------+  +------+------+  | | :   |                |   |
     | |  +-------------------+   |   |         |                |                |         | | |   |                |   |
     | |  |                   |<----------------+                |                +-----------+ |   |                |   |
     | |  |    Incorporate    |   |   |                          |                          |   |   |                |   |
     | |  |     Feedback      |<---------------------------------+                          |   |   |                |   |
     | |  +--------+----------+   |   |                                                     :   |   +-------+--------+   |
     | |           |              |   +-----------------------------------------------------+   |           |            |
     | |           v              |                                                             |           V            |
     | |  +-------------------+   |                       QEMU Maintainer                       |   +----------------+   |
     | |  |                   |   |  +-=-----------------------------------------------------+  |   |                |   |
     | |  |    Prepare n+1    |   |  | +-------------+  +--------------+  +----------------+ |  |   |  Sign & Submit |   |
     | |  |                   |   |  | |             |  |              |  |                | |  |   |      Pull      |   |
     | |  +--------+----------+   |  | | Tag Release |<-+   qemu.git   |<-+ Test and Merge |<-------+     Request    |   |
     | |           |              |  | |             |  |    master    |  |    Pull Reqs   |<-+ |   |                |   |
     | +-----------+              |  | |             |  |              |  |                | || |   +----------------+   |
     |                            |  | +------+------+  +--------------+  +----------------+ || |                        |
     +----------------------------+  +--------+----------------------------------------------+| +------------------------+
                                              +----------------+                              |
                                                               |                              |
                                                               V                              |       Pull Requests
                                                        +--------------+                      +----       from
                                                        |              |                            Other Maintainers
                                                        |     QEMU     |
                                                        |    Release   |
                                                        |              |
                                                        |              |