Testing/CI/KubernetesRunners: Difference between revisions

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like the snippet below.
like the snippet below.

<code>nodeSelector</code> and <code>tolerations</code> make sure the pods run on the virtual nodes
<code>nodeSelector</code> and <code>tolerations</code> are needed for the pods to run on the virtual nodes

Revision as of 10:26, 16 March 2023

To be able to run Gitlab CI jobs on a Kubernetes cluster, a Gitlab Runner must be installed [1].


This sections documents the steps taken to deploy a GitLab Runner instance on a Azure Kubernetes cluster by using Helm [2].

Kubernetes Cluster

Create a Kubernetes cluster on Azure (AKS). Single node pool "agentpool" for the Kubernetes system pods. Enable virtual nodes [3] to have on-demand capacity for the CI workloads.


Follow the docs to Install the Azure CLI.

Alternatively, run the Azure CLI in a container [4]:

podman run -it mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cli

Install the Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) [5]:

az aks install-cli

Install the Helm CLI [6]:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3 | bash

Sign in to Azure [7]:

az login

Connect to your Kubernetes Cluster. Open the Azure web dashboard for your cluster and push the "Connect" button. A list of commands will be displayed to connect to your cluster. Something like the following:

az account set --subscription ...
az aks get-credentials ...


Register the new runner [8].

Gitlab Runner

Now it's time to install the Gitlab runner with Helm [9].

Create a namespace:

kubectl create namespace "gitlab-runner"

Create a values.yaml file for your runner configuration [10] like the snippet below.

nodeSelector and tolerations are needed for the pods to run on the virtual nodes [11] [12].

gitlabUrl: "https://gitlab.com/"
runnerRegistrationToken: ""
  config: |
          "kubernetes.io/role" = "agent"
          "beta.kubernetes.io/os" = "linux"
          "type" = "virtual-kubelet"
          "virtual-kubelet.io/provider" = "Exists"

Deploy the runner:

helm install --namespace gitlab-runner gitlab-runner -f values.yaml gitlab/gitlab-runner