Dynamic machine and heterogeneous emulation roadmap


Dynamic machine and heterogeneous emulation roadmap


  • Topic (owner)
- Task (helper)

Dynamic machine

  • Initial startup (armbru)
- Extract comprehensive machine startup states
- Simplify initial startup removing CLI
- Get QMP socket available early enough
  • HW devices emulation (philmd)
- Clarify QDev states
- Separate "wiring" step from "realize"
- Allow creating/wiring QDev from QMP
- Remove globals/singleton
- Explicit QOM parent in pre-QOM QDev
- Justify SysBus VS QDev

Heterogeneous emulation

  • Support for multiple TCG frontends (anjo)
- Make TCG context per cpu/cluster (philmd,anjo)
- Build frontends as shared library (anjo)
- Load frontend shlib during CPU REALIZE
- Load different libs