

Release Schedule

2019-12-13 Beginning of development phase
2020-03-17 Soft feature freeze. Only bug fixes after this point. All feature changes must be already in a sub maintainer tree and all pull requests from submaintainers must have been sent to the list by this date.
2020-03-24 Hard feature freeze. Tag rc0
2020-03-31 Tag rc1
2020-04-07 Tag rc2
2020-04-14 2020-04-15 Tag rc3
2020-04-21 2020-04-22 Release; or tag rc4 if needed Tag rc4
2020-04-28 Release
2020-09-10 Freeze for 5.0.1
2020-09-15 Tag 5.0.1

Known issues

Please list all patch series or bugs which need to be fixed for the release here. That way I can be sure I don't miss any when I'm rolling release candidates.

Will be fixed in rc1:

Not yet fixed in any rc:

  • migrate 5.0->4.2 q35 fails with Unknown savevm section or instance 'serial' 1. lp 1869426 (dgilbert)

Targeted Features

See the ChangeLog/5.0 for full details.